Press Room
Bienvenido Empresarios Visits Three Mexican States and Their Respective Government Leaders
Aug 30, 2022
October, 2021

Querétaro, Mexico is a unique state with a solid dedication to advancing trade with the U.S. and increasing its STEM-related businesses. We were received well by the Secretary of Sustainable Development Marco Del Apreté and State Coordinator for International Affairs Hildegard Frei.

Guanajuato, Mexico is known for its vibrant culture and network of manufacturing businesses. We had the opportunity to discuss mining, infrastructure, and energy opportunities. We want to thank Governor Diego Sinhue, Secretary of Economic Development Mauricio Usabiaga, and Undersecretary for Investment Promotion Alejandro Hernandez Fonseca for the warm welcome.

San Luis Potosí, Mexico is known for its stunning colonial architecture, significant gold and silver mining hub, and touristic sights. We were able to hear about Governor Ricardo Gallardo’s six-year plan for their state. We were also joined by Secretary of Government Guadalupe Torres and the Secretary of Economic Development Arturo Segoviano.

October, 2021

Querétaro, Mexico is a unique state with a solid dedication to advancing trade with the U.S. and increasing its STEM-related businesses. We were received well by the Secretary of Sustainable Development Marco Del Apreté and State Coordinator for International Affairs Hildegard Frei.

Guanajuato, Mexico is known for its vibrant culture and network of manufacturing businesses. We had the opportunity to discuss mining, infrastructure, and energy opportunities. We want to thank Governor Diego Sinhue, Secretary of Economic Development Mauricio Usabiaga, and Undersecretary for Investment Promotion Alejandro Hernandez Fonseca for the warm welcome.

San Luis Potosí, Mexico is known for its stunning colonial architecture, significant gold and silver mining hub, and touristic sights. We were able to hear about Governor Ricardo Gallardo’s six-year plan for their state. We were also joined by Secretary of Government Guadalupe Torres and the Secretary of Economic Development Arturo Segoviano.
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